Is Affiliate Marketing Hard To Earn First $1000 For A Beginner?

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How hard is affiliate marketing to make money as a beginner

Is doing affiliate marketing really hard and inflexible?

Is there any way which can make affiliate marketing easy to do?

Can I make my first $1000 from affiliate marketing with an easy way? Is there any easy way exists in affiliate marketing?

I have joined multiple affiliates program and trying to generate money from them, but not seeing any result with my older strategy which I am using? Is there any new strategy for me?

I know, at this time hundreds of questions are sucking your head. Because you want to start and earn money from affiliate marketing but you have doubts and confusions that starting affiliate marketing will be beneficial for you or not?

So I thought to write this article to Mark all your doubts, by the end of this article all your questions, confusions and, doubts will be answered with a step by step and easy affiliate marketing strategy which will help you in earning your first $1000 using affiliate marketing even from the first day or first week.

What you need to do is read this article till the end to get all your questions answered.


  • Is affiliate marketing Hard to Do?
  • What is Affiliate Marekting?
  • When Affiliate Marketing Fails?
  • How to Start Affiliate Marketing (Easy Way)?
    • Promote your affiliate links without website?
    • Promote your Affiliate Links With Website or Blog?
  • Sending Traffic To Your Site
    • SEO
    • Paid Traffic Source
  • From a Beginner to the Legend of Affiliate Marketing.
    • Audience Building
  • Conclusion

Note, This article may contain some affiliate links. These links are here not for our earnings but to provide you the best resources.

Is affiliate marketing Hard to Do?

First of all tell me what the hard means for you?

You are not generating any money or you haven’t tried it yet. That’s why you are saying affiliate marketing is hard?

Or you may not have the best strategies to promote your affiliate links that’s why you are saying it hard?

but what if you can get some top strategies which can help you in earning your first $1000+ even from the first day. Will you still refer affiliate marketing hard? I think no.

Affiliate marketing isn’t hard to do, however, should be done with rich and top strategies to drive massive results, which you may not have that’s why you are saying affiliate marketing is hard enough.

You can earn as much as you want, and trust me affiliate marketing isn’t very hard to do, what you need is some top strategies to promote your affiliate links like a pro.

But it becomes hard or you can say too hard if you do it wrong, because if you will do it wrong you will not drive a single sale and it will become hard for you.

So what are the best strategies to do affiliate marketing which drive results?

Read this article to know about them.!

So, What is Affiliate Marketing?

It is the process of generating money by promoting other brand’s or company’s products among your audience or people.

If anyone of them buys any of the products (during the cookie period and through your affiliate link) which you are promoting, you get commission for it. Because you are helping other brands and companies in selling their products.

for it brands and companies pay you commission, so that you can keep promoting their products and keep earning.

The best thing about affiliate marketing is you can promote many brand’s products in return you can earn from all of them for promoting their products.

A sales person typically promotes the products of just one brand only.

But as an affiliate marketer you can promote the products of different brands as much as you want, and you can earn from all of them.

Everything you do online by creating a website or with the help of you-tube or other social media platforms while sitting at one place only.

When Affiliate Marketing Fails?

When you don’t get sales through your affiliate links it gets fail.

But, have you ever think about it why you are not getting sales through your links?

Because you don’t have enough visitors to buy through you links, or you may not have served your affiliate links in front of your visitors in a right way that’s why you fail?

Just think of it.

You have a blogging site with 30K visitors per month. And you have selected 5 best affiliate products to promote through your blog. You served the affiliate links well inside your blogs.

As your site has 30K active visitors per month. Now tell me will you not generate commissions and sales through your affiliate links, if you serve them well? Yes you will generate commission because you have 30K visitors per month on your blog and you have served your affiliate links naturally in front your visitors.

Now here two questions may arise in your mind-

  1. How to get visitors on my site?
  2. How to serve affiliate links naturally in front of visitors?

Or you may be wondering that I don’t have a website so how can I set it up?

So, in addition to your questions I can say you that there is no rocket science in setting up a website and getting 30K visitors on it and serving your affiliate links naturally in front of visitors, every thing is very easy to do. However they need some practise.

As you will read this article till the end, you will get to know about setting up a site and getting visitors on it, and selling through your affiliate links.

How to Start Affiliate Marketing (Easy Way)?

First, you have to join affiliate programs or a program like Click-Bank, Amazon-Associates, JV-Zoo, etc so that you can get affiliate products to promote.

Now the second thing is promoting your affiliate links in front of interested people to generate revenue from them.

You can promote your links in two ways, either you choose to promote them without a website or blog or with a website or blog.

Promote your affiliate links without website?

I have written an in-depth article for you, by reading that article you will learn to promote affiliate products without a website or blog in zero competition.

So I would like you to read that article here is the link.

##How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Without A Website##

Promote your Affiliate Links With Website or Blog?

Here is my second recommendation is promoting your affiliate links with the help of a website or blog.

If you don’t have a website and you want to set it up click here to get step by step tutorial.

With the help of a website you can promote your links very easily.

Whether you can design the best landing pages, high converting funnels, or you can promote your links with your blog posts.

High converting landing pages and master funnels help much in driving more conversion. That’s why affiliate marketing becomes easy with website.

After setting up a website and putting up relevant content their you will need to send interested visitors on your content to buy through your affiliate link.

Sending Traffic To Your Site

Now After Writing content and putting up your affiliate links in between that content it’s time to drive interested traffic on that content. So here I am going to share with you a few ways which will help you in driving traffic to your site.

#1 SEO

The first and free technique to drive visitors to your site is SEO( Search Engine Optimization).

With the help of right SEO strategies You can drive as much as traffic you want to your site.

But SEO doesn’t give you instant result you will need to put efforts first and later on after a few months you will see results. So if you want quick results read the next section.

#2 Paid Traffic Source

Paid traffic sources are the best way to drive as much as traffic you want on your site or content.

It gives you instant results you will not require to wait long to drive interested visitors on your site.

You can use the paid traffic sources like Facebook-ads, Google-Ads to attract new and interested visitors.

You can run high-quality ads at cheaper rates and you pay only when you get clicks PPC(Pay Per Click).

Using paid traffic sources are cost-effective you can start with $1 also, you don’t need a high budget to run ads.

From a Beginner to the Legend of Affiliate Marketing.

After doing all the beginner stuff it’s time to step forward where you will be the pro then the legend of affiliate marketing.

Its time to build your audiences so that you can do affiliate marketing with more ease and generate more sales without spending a single dollar.

Audience building

To build your audience you will need to use email marketing, if you will do email marketing along with affiliate marketing trust me you will be the legend in this field.

Because when email marketing combines with affiliate marketing it creates magical things.

More Leads = More Sales

You can generate as much as leads you want. You can convert your visitors into your leads then your customers. Everything is possible with the help of email marketing

Even you can automate things to generate more revenue, you can also set up webinars and automate them to sell high ticket products.


You can start affiliate marketing, at the initial time you may feel some difficulty while promoting your affiliate links.

Because in the initial period you may not have enough visitors to your content. But as you will start implementing the best strategies you will start generating sales.

And these sales will give money inside your pocket.

However, affiliate marketing is not hard although it is easy to do. But you may face some problems and difficulty during the initial time of your start.

In this article, I intended to help you and providing you the best knowledge and best resources so that you can start your affiliate marketing journey.

If you still feel any doubt feel free to ask me in the comment section.

Best of Luck.!

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